Is your password secure?

If you own a business, you need more than just your password to be strong, though: any weak link up and down the chain can cost you a lot: money, customers, time, and damage to reputation.

Here are the top 20 most common passwords:

Top 20 most common passwords in the US according to NordPass

  • guest
  • 123456
  • password
  • 12345
  • a1b2c3
  • 123456789
  • Password1
  • 1234
  • abc123
  • 12345678
  • qwerty
  • baseball
  • football
  • unknown
  • soccer
  • jordan23
  • iloveyou
  • monkey
  • shadow
  • g_czechout

NordPass went even further, and found the 200 most used passwords in each country as well.

If your password (or any of the people that work at your business) is on any of these lists, you might be in need of Shock I.T.’s cybersecurity services.

Whether it’s your place of business or your own home, you understand the importance of taking appropriate security measures such as locking your doors and setting your security alarm.

Your business’s digital security is no different. Indeed, many businesses struggle with the following realities:

  • 43% of cyberattacks target small businesses.
  • There is a hacker attack every 39 seconds.
  • 95% of cybersecurity breaches are due to preventable human errors.

At Shock I.T. Support, our cybersecurity firm relies on the teamwork of experienced I.T. professionals who are all committed to a single goal: protecting our clients and their businesses. We work together to customize your wireless network, administer firm security measures, and eliminate any potential cyber-threats.

Here is what Shock I.T. Support can do for you.

We focus on the following areas:

– Cybersecurity audits and assessments to identify vulnerable areas of your system.

Cybersecurity audits and assessments are crucial for any business in order to identify potential vulnerabilities and ensure that adequate security measures are in place. These assessments involve a comprehensive evaluation of a company’s information systems, networks, physical environments, data storage, user authentication protocols, access control mechanisms, training programs, and incident response protocols.

Specifically, the audit process can include vulnerability scanning and penetration testing to evaluate the system’s resilience against external attacks; assessment of internal security controls to ensure proper access management; review of user environment configurations; implementation of secure coding best practices; analysis of application logs to identify suspicious patterns or unusual activities; and review of policies against industry standards such as ISO 27001/2 and NIST 800-53. By running these security audits regularly, businesses can guarantee that their IT infrastructure is safe and secure from potential cyber threats or malicious actors.

Apart from assessing the current state of cybersecurity within a company’s network, the audit process should also examine whether there is an effective incident response plan in place. This involves making sure that the right people have access to resources they need when responding to an attack or security breach. It is important for companies to be well-prepared in case their systems are compromised by unauthorized users or malicious actors so they can quickly respond in an organized manner with minimal damage.

Overall, cybersecurity audits play a critical role in ensuring that organizations have a safe and secure IT infrastructure that protects their sensitive data from any potential threats. Regular assessments help detect hidden vulnerabilities within the system and equip companies with strong defense mechanisms for mitigating risks ahead of time.

– Customized wireless network set up with encryption for added security.

Customized wireless networks are becoming increasingly popular as businesses seek secure, reliable methods of connecting their employees and customers to the digital world. By customizing a wireless network, companies can ensure that their data is secure from malicious actors or unauthorized users.

Wireless networks offer several advantages over traditional wired connections – they are more cost-effective, faster, and easier to set up. However, they also come with some additional security risks when compared to other internet access options. One way to combat these risks is through encryption – which scrambles data on the network so that it cannot be read by unauthorized users.

Encryption works by using algorithms to transform plaintext into unintelligible ciphertext. This encrypted data can only be accessed by authorized users with a unique key. Additionally, encryption protocols such as WPA2-AES can help protect against man-in-the middle attacks, where an attacker intercepts traffic on the network in order to gain access to sensitive information.

When setting up a wireless network for your business, it is important that you choose a sufficiently strong encryption protocol such as WPA2-AES or WPA3. You should also ensure that your router’s firmware is updated regularly and use firewalls and other security measures to further reduce risk of unauthorized access or malicious attack.

In addition to protecting against outside threats, you should also consider implementing measures for controlling internal access such as user authentication protocols and access control mechanisms (ACMs). ACMs allow administrators to assign different levels of permission for specific employees based upon job role or clearance level. This helps protect company assets from accidental or deliberate misuse from within the organization while still granting necessary access permissions for legitimate business activities.

Overall, customized wireless networks provide businesses with an efficient way of connecting their employees and customers while still maintaining a high standard of security. By employing appropriate encryption protocols alongside robust internal access controls such as user authentication protocols and ACMs, companies can rest assured that their data remains safe from both external threats and internal misuse.

– Managed IT services to monitor, maintain, and update your systems.

Managed IT services provide businesses with a comprehensive suite of technology solutions that help them monitor, maintain, and update their systems. These services are designed to meet the unique needs of each organization while making sure that their networks remain secure and up-to-date.

For instance, experienced IT professionals can monitor your network 24/7 for any suspicious activity or potential threats. They will also implement the latest software updates and security patches as they become available in order to protect against vulnerabilities or exploits. Additionally, managed IT services can help automate system maintenance tasks such as defragmenting hard drives, scanning for malicious software, and performing regular backups in order to ensure maximum performance and data integrity.

– Security awareness training for staff members to ensure they are knowledgeable about safety measures.

Security awareness training is critical for helping staff members to understand the importance of cybersecurity and safety measures. It can be used to educate employees on topics such as identifying potential threats, effective password management, safe browsing habits, recognizing suspicious emails, and more. Such training programs should also cover best practices for using company devices, the consequences of data breaches, and the importance of developing an incident response plan.

Moreover, security awareness training should promote good cyber hygiene habits such as using strong passwords (with a mix of uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and symbols) that are changed regularly; avoiding clicking on unknown links or downloading suspicious files; not saving usernames and passwords in browsers; restricting access to sensitive systems; backing up data regularly; keeping software up to date; using secure networks; logging out of accounts when done; not sharing personal or company information with unauthorized users; monitoring account activity regularly for any suspicious activity.

– Application of secure authentication methods that require multiple access points such as two factor authentication (2FA).

Problem: With the rise of cyber threats, it is becoming increasingly important for companies to protect their data and systems from malicious actors.

Agitate: Traditional authentication methods such as passwords are no longer enough to ensure security, as they can be easily guessed or stolen by hackers. Furthermore, relying on a single access point also leaves your system vulnerable to unauthorized users who may gain access if they were able to guess or steal the password.

Solution: Two-factor authentication (2FA) provides an extra layer of security by requiring employees to enter a one-time code in order to access their accounts or systems. This helps prevent malicious actors from gaining unauthorized access even if they were able to gain knowledge about a user’s credentials or password. 

Additionally, organizations should consider encrypting sensitive data before transmitting it over public networks in order to protect against eavesdropping attacks where attackers intercept traffic on the network and try to decipher confidential messages sent between two parties. By implementing secure authentication methods that require multiple access points such as 2FA, companies can rest assured that their data remains safe from any external threats while still granting necessary permissions for legitimate business activities.

– Systematic backups in case of a worst case scenario or attack.

Implemented systematic backups of critical data to ensure minimal disruption and damage in case of a worst-case scenario or attack. Developed automated processes for restoring from backups to quickly recover data with minimal downtime.

Our team is here to provide you with the tools needed to protect your business from cyber threats; no matter if it’s a large corporation or a small startup.Contact Shock I.T. today to get started.